Taking a data driven, member centric approach, and adopting a RevOps philosophy, we work with workspace operators of all sizes to ensure workflows, processes and technology are aligned to deliver the best possible customer journey and member experience.
In an increasingly competitive environment, where brand and design are becoming commoditised, we help you to blend your physical spaces and digital solutions by leveraging technology and harnessing numerous data points to get better quality, real-time actionable insight into how your space is being used and your business is performing.
Through objective insight and using Produktiv Flex Analytics, our advanced intelligence platform built for the flexible workspace sector, we can enhance conversion rates, drive retention, grow secondary revenue streams, improve customer lifetime value, save cost, support wellbeing and achieve sustainability initiatives.
We are delighted to work with forward thinking operators, including:
The Produktiv 5Ps
The core vision, mission and WHY. Every business and every workspace operator must be able to articulate ‘WHY’ it does WHAT it does – the aspirational reason for being which inspires and creates a call to action, setting you apart from your competition. This positioning sets a clear direction, key to attracting and retaining members, occupiers and of course your team.
CX and customer journey mapping to ensure every touch point is considered so that no interaction slips through the cracks. A memorable and seamless customer experience results not only in improvements in operational efficiency and increased sales, but significant customer loyalty resulting in repeat business and increased lifetime values. But do your workflows, processes and systems allow this?
If we spend most of our waking hours working, then it goes without saying that how productive we are is also down to where we work and the design of our workspace. We ensure that your physical spaces are designed and operated to enhance collaboration, drive innovation and improve productivity by creating inspirational environments in which to meet, work and grow.
As the role of the workplace evolves, flex operators have an opportunity to lead the way in developing sustainable spaces. By embracing digital transformation to create innovative, low-carbon smart buildings through adoption of IoT devices and data analytics, we can help to create a future in which every workspace has a positive impact on the planet.
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